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The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division

Date, time & venue

2022-06-01;6:30pm-8:00pm;Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room – 9/F

Notice of the 35TH Annual General Meeting (AGM)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 35th Annual General Meeting of the Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division will be held on Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 6:30pm at Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong for the following purposes:


1.     To receive and confirm the Minutes of the 34th AGM.


2.     To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2021/2022.


3.     To receive and adopt the Financial Statement of the Division for Session 2021/2022.


4.      To elect the Chairman and Ordinary Members of the Division Committee for Session 2022/2023.


In case of adjournment of the AGM, members of the Division shall check on the Institution’s website at http://www.hkie.org.hk and the Division’s website at http://ca.hkie.org.hk of the revised venue, time and date for the adjourned AGM.


Members are reminded that if you come to the Headquarters to attend the AGM, you are advised to wear a surgical mask.


Ir Tony KWONG Tun Yin

Honorary Secretary

28 April 2022




Nominations for Division Chairman and Ordinary Members


Division Chairman

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to re-nominate Ir Prof the Hon SUN Dong for election as the Chairman for Session 2022/2023.


Ordinary Members - under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to opt for the maximum of 14 Ordinary Members, and four Ordinary Members in the Committee shall retire by end of the Session, namely Ir Louis YIU Yung Ngai, Ir Nuffield NG Man To, Ir May TSO Mei Shan and Ir Moti NG Wing.


Following the retirement of the above Ordinary Members, there are four vacancies for the Ordinary Members.


The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following four candidates for the Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Ir Prof Louis F S LOCK, Miss Crystal CHAN Wing Yee, Ir Daniel WONG Chi Lung and Ir Moti NG Wing.


Ordinary Members - under Clause 7.2(d) of the Division Rules (i.e. Ordinary Member of the Committee who is of 35 years of age or below)
Ir Martin LEUNG Fu Heng shall retire by end of the Session.  There is one vacancy for the Ordinary Member.  The Division Committee has decided to re-nominate Ir Martin LEUNG Fu Heng for the Ordinary Member for a three-year term.


Any two Corporate Members of the Division may nominate in writing any duly qualified persons as Chairman or Ordinary Members of the Committee under Clause 7.2(c) or 7.2(d) of the Division Rules.  Original copy of the nomination form signed by those making the nomination, together with the consent in writing of every candidate named therein to accept office, if elected, shall be forwarded to the Secretariat of the Institution, for the attention of the Honorary Secretary of Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division, no later than Wednesday, 18 May 2022.  Please mark ‘Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division AGM Nomination’ on the envelope.  The nomination forms can be downloaded at the HKIE website: www.hkie.org.hk.  

Enquiries: Ir Tony KWONG Tun Yin at 6392 5245 or email: cai.sec.2020@gmail.com.



Please find below the Annual Report and Financial Report for 2021/2022 Session.




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